When and how will I receive confirmation of my reservation?
You will receive a booking confirmation from us by e-mail within one hour. To be sure, check your junk mail and make sure your mailbox is not full. You can view your booking directly online in your Landal account and make the payment here.
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I have lost my booking confirmation. What should I do?
You will receive confirmation by e-mail from us within one hour of making your booking. Did you not receive it or did you lose it? Make sure it is not in your junk mail and that your mailbox is not full.

Is this not the case?
Fill in your details via the link below and we will e-mail the confirmation again. You can also view your booking directly online in your Landal account.
Request a new confirmation Was this answer helpful for you?
Where can I find the invoice?

You can find the invoice in the reservation confirmation e-mail we sent you. 

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