How do I check out with the digital key?
Inform us of your expected departure time via the Landal app under ‘My stay’. At the park or in the app, you will find more information on how to leave your accommodation upon departure. Ready to depart? Simply click on the check-out button in the app and just close the door behind you. There is no need to stop by the reception. You can drop off any tags in the indicated bins. We will take care of the final cleaning after you leave!
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What should I think about before checking out?
Before you leave, we ask you to leave the accommodation swept clean and to empty the dishwasher. You should also put your bed linen in the laundry bag in the hallway and take your rubbish to the waste containers. Did you use the fireplace? Fine if you empty the ash tray into the rubbish bin (please do not use the hoover for this). Thanks in advance! When you stay at a park with a digital key, the app gives you a cleaning checklist.  You may park your car at the accommodation to load your belongings. You can hand in the key at reception, even if it is closed.
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At what time should I leave my accommodation?
This varies per park and can be found on your booking confirmation. At most of our parks, the check-out time is 10:30. Return the keys to the accommodation to reception on the day of departure. Checking out earlier than the indicated time is always possible, even if reception is closed. You can then hand in the keys in the special key box outside. If you are staying at a park with a digital key, you obviously don't need to stop by the reception.

After checking out, you are of course still welcome to use the park's facilities for the rest of the day.
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I forgot something during my stay in a Landal park. What should I do now?
Don't worry! On the 'Practical' page of the park where you stayed, you will find the telephone number of the reception with the contact details. You can contact us by phone during reception opening hours. The park will be happy to discuss further how to retrieve your belongings.
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Is final cleaning included?
Yes, we will arrange the final cleaning after your departure. Before you leave, we ask you to leave the accommodation broom clean and to empty the dishwasher. You should also put your bed linen in the laundry bag in the hallway and take your rubbish to the waste containers. Did you use the fireplace? Fine if you empty the ash tray into the rubbish bin (please do not use the hoover for this). Thanks in advance!
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What should I do if I leave a day early?
Before you leave, we ask you to leave the accommodation swept clean and to empty the dishwasher. You should also put your bed linen in the laundry bag in the hallway and take your rubbish to the waste containers. Did you use the fireplace? Fine if you empty the ash tray into the rubbish bin (please do not use the hoover for this). Thanks in advance! You may park your car at the accommodation to load your belongings. You can hand in the key at reception, even if it is closed. If you are staying at a park with a digital key, you obviously don't need to stop by the reception.
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Can I check out later (for a fee)?
Yes, at some parks it is possible to book a late check-out. This varies per park. Contact the park reception for the possibilities. Contact details can be found on the park info page of the park.
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I have a complaint about my recent stay at Landal. Where can I report this?
We're very sorry to hear that! Please use the link below to submit your complaint to us and we will take care of it immediately.
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