I would like to cancel my booking. How can I do this?

This is easy to do via your MijnLandal account. Log in and click on the booking you wish to cancel; after that, the process will be self-explanatory. Depending on the arrival date and when the booking is made, we may charge you a fee for cancellations. For cancellations made up to 28 days before the arrival date, the fee is 30% of the total travel sum. If your scheduled arrival date is within the next 28 days, you must pay 100% of the total travel sum. If you booked your stay 14 days ago or less, and the arrival date is more than 28 days in the future, you will pay no cancellation fee.

Important: When you cancel a booking, this is not the same as requesting a leisure voucher. If you have booked a stay at a moment when the park in question is closed, you are entitled to receive a leisure voucher. This will require no action on your part: we will automatically email you the leisure voucher.
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